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This was a wonderful custom request to make a Claymore that tells the story of the clan, to be used for showings at Highland Games. The scabbard and grip are made of carved Bog Oak, with emblems depicting the history of the family within the intertwinings of the roots of a 'tree of life'. The root ends curl around the sides of the scabbard forming descriptions of the events. Family names and dates are gold plated in the fuller of the blade. Twisted wires and other fittings in brass. Below is the customer's full review:

I commissioned Vogieforge to make a Scottish Highland Claymore for me after I saw the one that Dane designed, and my cousin bought from him.  I wanted one that would depict my clan and ancestors and the many events they encountered throughout the years, fighting for their freedom.  They came from Colonsay, Scotland and moved on to Ireland, and then the British Colonies in America.  I gave Dane my thoughts and ideas of how I envisioned my Claymore.  He touched base with me often to show me the progress and discuss his thoughts and ideas to enhance the Claymore.  When I received my Claymore, I was speechless at the beauty of the sword and the amazing details that Dane had carved into the scabbard, really capturing the story of my ancestors; it was more than I could have imagined or asked for.  Dane is such an impressive craftsman, and a truly professional businessman.

A MacDuffee Claymore

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